
martes, 14 de diciembre de 2010

Por qué me torturas Alma

Como esclavo, trabajas
para conseguir riquezas
pierdes horas gratas
viviendo una vida a ciegas.

¿Por qué no puedo
hacer lo que yo deseo?
Pues dedico mi tiempo
a mendigar por dinero.

¿Por qué me torturas?
Comiendo tan mal.
¿Porque te desvelas?
Porque me tratas tan mal.

¡Tal vez no soy lo que querías!
¡Quizás, deseas algo más!
Tan solo soy un cuerpo más
el que siente tus desdenes.

No me tortures más alma,
que no soy yo al que destruyes,
sino tu propia vida.
¡Pues soy todo lo que tienes!

¿Por qué separar cuerpo y alma?
Si no hay tal divorcio,
solo se pierde tal coyuntura
cuando te vas de este mundo.

Amemos nuestro cuerpo,
vivamos felices nuestra vida,
porque tenemos poco tiempo
para entender, cuan bella es la vida.

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lunes, 13 de diciembre de 2010

Prophecies 2012


People watch carefully to satisfy the prophecies of our ancestors, especially that of the Maya, who were very precise in giving a date, even going to detail that events would go complying at the time you are running. They are seven prophecies where there is a very specific data and perhaps a bit creepy and eerie because we are approaching the day more and more. It is not for less, for the exact date is the morning of Wednesday 21 December 2012.

Everyone is thinking about, even as having debuted films on the subject, everyone believes in the disaster in change
weather, we want to believe there is something really wrong is close, but in reality if you think well we are so exposed to be destroyed without knowing it at any time, there are thousands, rather than millions and millions of celestial bodies out there, live in a world so fragile and chaotic as our life. To begin our planet, one day will be swallowed by the Sun, when it dies, then there is not a single be upon the face of the Earth even our wonderful monuments will persist, will be deleted from the ground, perhaps of millions of years, but that's inevitable, is a destination that has our beautiful land.

Nothing is forever, the same as strong Maya, possessed a wonderful wisdom and absolute power over other peoples of the Americas, but they were defeated by the power of the Spanish. They knew the secrets, wrote to us what might happen to us in the future, they knew that we coming from the light, they understood everything has life and breathe. Perhaps lost much of their knowledge, but at least they left us the main message soon comes Galactic dawn.

I really don't think the world to end and as I recall having read about the Mayans, does not predict a world filled with chaos and destroyed but rather a world wakes up to the light, a global change, is a different way in which we will see the world, perhaps all, perhaps we have learned to see our lives badly and everything, because ultimately what we see is a way in which we perceive the world. What you see perhaps I do not see him, it all depends on you have learned to see and I have learned to see during all this time in which continuous live.

If you get to think, everyone believed that something would happen, then in 2000, in 1996 but does not have step. That it happened is an increase in discoveries, we have better technology increasingly better and returning to the above our technology can be our own downfall because a strong solar storm may leave us in the stone age. In reality life is an illusion, how wonderful would that people would not have to work long hours of work to earn a meager salary, unfortunately our way of life requires that you do not know and he has not learned anything in this life, is that should work longer and with salary almost to taunt them.

Perhaps education is very important, but if everyone knew to do great things baths, who would make the toilet who cleansed the floors, that if we made it to the robots, while not planning to.

Perhaps we can be happy without having to be always working, stressed every day, having so many places to enjoy as many sunrises and sunsets to be seen, but we keep in the dark room, an Office or perhaps even worse in a factory.

You can see a different you see myself, perhaps and after all world, life is not more than one way in which we perceive the world, for some is a horrible place full of poverty, betrayals, affection, loss and hard work with few gains for others different, is a wonderful world, where there is love, peace, joy and more than enough to live, where do not mind you when to end the world while today live as you want, full finish the world when you need to end.

The world ends, not when the chaos, either when you die people, animals and plants on the face of the Earth, or when explode stars or when the Sun engulf our land to his own death, but when your close eyes forever, this is your end of the world, inevitably you've probably gone.

Then, so have so afraid about a possible end of the world, if for many people today are dying, for them today was the end of the world, we should enjoy our lives so much, that when that day comes inevitable, say, beautiful life I had.

Don't worry so much, scientists are doing his work for you, someday will live longer, or perhaps we will already be on another planet colonizing it.

We are dreams, living in a blue, a wonderful Sun planet, glowing, but we hope even Galactic dawn, where all vibrate with joy therefore already soon we evolve to a being that it understood that we were created to be happy in this life today.

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Tambien consulta estos blogs estan muy interesantes
El mito del quinto sol
Las profecias mayas
Lives happy and makes be happy the world into living brother in life.

The end of the world

The end of the world

We want or not to the Earth and everything has a beginning and an end, we all know that the Sun one of the most charming celestial bodies that everyone has enjoyed has felt the heat on your skin, has enjoyed a wonderful evening, or because not a magnanimous sunrise at five billion years perhaps will have died according to the scientists, they say that the Sun to go grow so engullirá our planet in its fatal journey, the Sun is a star in the universe, all the stars are sadly dying but they give life to another system. Our planet is available to be bombed by some external object, a meteorite or perhaps some planet coming out of its course.
You've probably heard about the extinction of the dinosaurs and as there is a theory about a meteorite that fell in Yucatán Mexico even now a resort where you can go to visit, there are many craters.

The Moon is unequivocal signal of how dangerous can be a meteorite, there are thousands of marks on the surface of a very eventful life, but the moon also has other secrets, she is slowly separating land, is real before was more fences and why had huge waves that whip Earth, now continuing having tide but is no longer as big as before, imagine a world without the Moon, tides and waves may there would be no life in the sea and sea is all that exists, if the sea dies just everything.

Now talking also about the Earth, there used to be a single continent called Pangea, are now separated in several continents, very interesting and beautiful, but it is not always, everything returns to happen, our continents are separating, someday will again join, bad in a continent in scepter it is more difficult to reach water and moisture, so it would have been great deserts, where nothing escaped strong rays of the Sun, maybe already by then already and there is human life.

Now that if you go back your attention to the Sun, there are the so-called solar storms, everything points to 2012, as date solar storms are very strong, it did long ago destroyed that existed at that time the Telegraph, but now who depends not on energy, everything is energy, electricity, we depend on electric power, if a large storm and were not ready, electricity network would be destroyed leaving us in a very large scientific delay, we let the era of the details provided oil, will not be completed because then if we're fried, out of gas goodbye cars and transport, aircraft goodbye

And finally everyone talks about the prophecies of the Maya, up to a few years ago no one refuted them, now there are many articles denying the prophecies, it all depends on who says, many only looking to create chaos and fear, but as I remember about the only Maya say that it will have an awake where can see the world differently, as it is for many the end of the world 2012 or that is what they say.

By wherever you see first it sooner or later something will happen, the world and all that exists will disappear, ourselves someday we will leave, that whether it will be our end of the world, but worry about what will happen, better lives today, live life as if they were the last seconds of your existence, don't think so much in a world that will be, because the time is running out, total spend what you need to pass while you lived as you wanted, that whether a few minutes comes the end of the world.

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2012, Las profecías pronto se cumplirán.

La gente vigila con esmero a que se cumplan las profecías de nuestros antepasados, en especial la de los mayas, que fueron tan precisos en dar una fecha, que incluso van a detalle de que sucesos se irían cumpliendo en el tiempo que va corriendo. Son siete profecías donde hay un dato muy específico y tal vez un poco aterrador y espeluznante pues nos estamos acercando a ese día cada vez más. No es para menos, pues la fecha exacta es la madrugada del miércoles 21 de diciembre del 2012.

Todo el mundo está pensando en eso, incluso ya se han estrenado películas sobre el tema, todo el mundo cree en el desastre, en el cambio climatológico, queremos creer que hay algo realmente malo que se acerca, pero en realidad si lo piensas bien estamos tan expuestos a ser destruidos sin saberlo en cualquier momento, hay miles, más bien millones y millones de cuerpos celestes allá afuera, vivimos en un mundo tan frágil y caótico como nuestra vida. Para empezar nuestro mismo planeta, algún día será tragado por el mismo sol, cuando este muera, para entonces no habrá ni un solo ser sobre la faz de la tierra ni siquiera nuestros maravillosos monumentos persistirán, serán borrados desde sus cimientos, quizás sea dentro de millones de años, pero eso es inevitable, es un destino que tiene nuestra hermosa tierra.
Nada es para siempre, los mismo mayas tan fuertes, poseían una sabiduría maravillosa y un poder absoluto sobre las demás poblaciones de América, mas, fueron sucumbidos por el poder de los españoles. Ellos sabían los secretos, escribieron para nosotros lo que podría pasarnos en un futuro, ellos sabían que venimos de la luz, entendían que todo tiene vida y respira. Tal vez se perdió muchos de sus conocimientos, pero al menos nos dejaron el mensaje principal, pronto viene el amanecer galáctico.
Yo realmente no creo que se acabe el mundo y según recuerdo haber leído sobre los mayas, no se  predice un mundo destruido y lleno de caos sino más bien un mundo que despierta a la luz, un cambio mundial, es una forma distinta en la que veremos el mundo, tal vez y después de todo, quizás hemos aprendido a ver mal nuestra vida y todo lo que existe, porque a fin de cuentas lo que vemos es una forma en que percibimos el mundo. Lo que tú ves quizás yo no lo vea, todo depende de que has aprendido a ver y que he aprendido a ver durante todo este tiempo en el que continuo vivo.

Si te pones a pensar, todos creían que en el 1996 algo iba a suceder, luego en el 2000, pero no paso nada. Lo que sí ha sucedido es un incremento en los descubrimientos, tenemos mejor tecnología cada vez mejor y volviendo a lo anterior nuestra misma tecnología puede ser nuestra propia perdición, porque una fuerte tormenta solar nos puede dejar en la era de piedra. En realidad la vida es una ilusión, lo maravilloso seria que la gente no tuviera que trabajar largas jornadas de trabajo para ganarse un mísero sueldo, lamentablemente nuestra forma de vida exige que el que no sabe y que no ha aprendido nada en esta vida, es la que debe de trabajar por más tiempo y con un sueldo casi para mofarse de ellos.

Tal vez la educación sea muy importante, pero que tal si todos supieran hacer grandes cosas quien lavaría los baños, quien haría el aseo, quien trapearía los pisos, que tal si se lo dejamos a los robots, claro mientras no piensen.
Tal vez podemos ser felices sin tener que estar siempre trabajando, estresados diariamente, habiendo tantos lugares por disfrutar, tantos amaneceres y atardeceres por ver, pero nos mantenemos en la oscuridad de una habitación, de una oficina o quizás aun peor en una fábrica.
Puedes ver un mundo diferente al que veo yo, quizás y después de todo, la vida no sea más que una forma en que percibimos el mundo, para algunos es un lugar horrible, lleno de pobreza, traiciones, desamor, pérdidas y mucho trabajo con pocas ganancias, para otros es diferente, es un mundo maravilloso, donde hay amor, paz, alegría y más que suficiente para vivir, donde no le importa cuando se acabe el mundo mientras hoy viva como quiere, total que se termine el mundo cuando deba de terminarse.
El mundo termina, no cuando llegue el caos, ni cuando se muera la gente, los animales y las plantas sobre la faz de la tierra, ni cuando exploten las  estrellas o cuando el mismo sol engulla a nuestra tierra ante su propia muerte, sino cuando tu cierras los ojos para siempre, ese es tu fin del mundo, inevitablemente te habrás ido.
Entonces, para que tener tanto miedo sobre un posible fin del mundo, si para mucha gente hoy mismo están muriendo, para ellos hoy fue el fin del mundo, deberíamos disfrutar nuestra vida tanto, que cuando llegue ese día inevitable, digas, que bella vida tuve.
No te preocupes tanto, los científicos están haciendo su trabajo por ti, algún día viviremos por más tiempo o tal vez ya estaremos en otro planeta colonizándolo.
Somos sueños, viviendo en un planeta azul, con un maravilloso sol, resplandeciendo, pero aun esperamos el amanecer galáctico, donde todo el mundo vibre de alegría pues ya pronto evolucionaremos a un ser que entiende que fuimos creados para ser felices en esta vida el día de hoy.
Vive feliz y deja ser feliz al mundo en vida hermano en vida.

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Tambien consulta estos blogs estan muy interesantes
El mito del quinto sol
Las profecias mayas

sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010

You're Part of the Change

You're part of the change
To continue living and contemplating
Under an infinite enclosure
What there is for others in the world

You are part of my freedom
To continue contemplating
About a great country or city
The wonders of the universe

Your rough and wrinkled skin
 Intoxicates me subtly
I desire to keep you in my life
Enjoying the pleasures of my mind

Perfect tool,
You turn my desires into things
Changing yourself by material
Satisfying my desires

You're perfect like gold
I desire to have a lot of you
That which we call money
That which you create inside yourself

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